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DAVIDUNION D365 - Ultimate Handy Router
$165.00 CAD
$145.00 CAD
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D365 - Ultimate Handy Router
The patented Auto-torque Engine inside provides excellent and smooth operation for 3D printing post-processing and hobby craft.
DAVIDUNION D365 - Ultimate Handy Router
自主研發的專利技術「Auto-torque Engine」是融合了多年的產品設計經驗以及使用者的真實反饋所得到的最終解答。徹底顛覆了此級距以輕巧、靈活作為主要訴求的電動雕刻刀所必須面臨的問題-疲軟的中、低速域。
透過扭力自動調節機制,盡可能地在各種操作情境下,維持著既定的轉速。擺脫摩擦力造成的轉速下降,大幅減少卡刀的機會。更有許多延伸應用,例如:使用鑽頭 (Drill Bit) 時,僅需開啟低速於鑽孔處先做淺層定位記號;之後,隨著手部逐漸施力,鑽頭便會緩緩提速。過程中完全不需要手動調速而破壞了工作節奏,達到行雲流水的操控體驗。
Finally, here comes the most powerful Handy Router in the world - the D365. The latest innovative technology "The Auto-torque Engine" which detects conditions while drilling, polishing, cutting, and gives a marvelous torque and speed compensation automatically.
型號: D365
輸入: 100-240V, 50/60Hz
輸出: 18V, 1A
轉速: 1,800~12,500 RPM
安全認證: CE、FCC、PSE
產地: Designed and made in Taiwan

DAVIDUNION D365 - Ultimate Handy Router
$165.00 CAD
$145.00 CAD